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For companies
We will find you the best candidates
Thanks to more than 20 years of experience, we know that the most important thing for a company is finding the best employees. Those, who not only have the necessary knowledge and experience but will also fit in within the team and will share the same values. Majority of the candidates we successfully connect with the companies stay long term.

We save your time and money
We know where to look for the best candidates. We stay in touch long term with lot of potential candidates who wait for the right opportunity. We know what they are interested in, what motivates them and what they have to offer. We also continuously search for other candidates based on specific requirements.
This way we will save you a lot of time and work which allows your in-house team to focus on the most important: final selection from the best possible candidates.

Stable team with excellent knowledge of the market
We operate under the name of R4U since 2006 and have a long-term stable team. That is the reason why we can assure you that during the whole time of our cooperation the same person or team will be assigned to you. Many of us have more than 20-year experience in the field and in order to reach the best possible results when connecting the candidates with companies, we combine the latest trends and knowledge with principles known and proven for many years.

Passion, satisfaction and good name
These are the three things we consider the most important when it comes to our work. Passion might be a strong word but without it we would hardly have such good results. Equally, it is our experience that the best result of cooperation is when everyone is happy; the employer, candidate and us. We also know that on the journey to such win-win-win solution, we will meet a lot of people, potential candidates for other positions, maybe your clients’ or business partners‘. We do our best to spread your good name among all of them.

Our advantages

Stable team
You will consult your recruits with real professionals who do not change quickly as the weather. We are not a transfer station to an internal HR.

We promote your good name
Yes, it is true; we are the vanguard of your internal HR and hiring team. We participate in your HR marketing and employer brand.

This is a strong expression, but you have to admit yourself that if you’ll do your work without passion, it will not have the right charge or result.

Our goal is to achieve the satisfaction of all three parties: the employer, the candidate and ours. Win - win - win. That's how it works.
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